Monday, February 4, 2013

Most doors are closed but if you find one that is open, you better have an interesting knock

It’s a new year and you have a new business idea. It’s time to give that dream of yours, the one that’s been hanging around for so many years, a real nudge and bring it to fruition. So where do you start?

I for one, if I was doing this all over again, would certainly seek a lot more help than I did in the past and learn from others who have been through the school of hard knocks avoiding a few of those knocks myself. The difficulty in this day and age, in a country full of budding and very real entrepreneurs, is knowing whose door to knock on and how do you prepare if they do say yes?

Firstly you have to get the door open. Then you have to be able to engage with relevance and authenticity.
Rather than wanting to procure their intellectual property, ensure your contact is all about a general plan of assistance that may peak their interest. 

What’s in it for them? Is there a possibility of opportunity in your pending success? I certainly look for them when budding entrepreneurs sit in front of me to pick my overused brain.
Reduce the platitudes. Sure the person you aspire to be is sitting in front of you,but they know they are good at what they do. Their bottom line tells them that each day.
There has to be a two way opportunity. Even if it never comes to fruition and most don't. A ‘what if’ is also more interesting than a ‘me me me’ conversation.
And while you are doing the knocking, why not make it a big one? Imagine if you get a yes. Sure there will be many no's but there is always a yes looming somewhere out there. Believe me, it’s your job to find it.

I have often marvelled at who is supporting who in the NZ business landscape. Don't underestimate the power of these connections, but you will have to be interesting to get the attention.To enlist the help of the business superstars in this country should be your number one goal as you set out on your business journey. 



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