Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Whose birthday is it really?

22 years ago, at exactly this time, 7.30am, I gave birth to a perfect little boy weighing 10lbs 6.5oz, in the Morrinsville Maternity home. It only took an hour, I guess I've always been one for getting things done quickly and efficiently and he's turned out to be one of the biggest highlights of my life.
At 22, he's blossomed into a wonderful young man and I'm incredibly proud. I think he looks a bit like Bradley Cooper. My partner thinks that’s a bit inappropriate, given I've possibly got a crush on Bradley and this is my son after all. 

I have however, got a massive crush on my son, for all the highs and all the lows, we have done so much together and apart; I've dealt with so many incidences, got him out of plenty of tricky situations, funded so many of his whims and supported all of his dreams.
His gap year saw him travel the world and truly grow into a man. From the boy that never ate anything, he's now that intrepid traveller that tries the sheep's eyes in the Moroccan markets.

I've got to marvel at these 22 years and wonder how the hell they all went so quickly. I have to consider what is left and what these years will look like for me and him. After all, this was the first Christmas that we spent apart as he decided to work in Perthand live with his girlfriend’s family.  Yes, it’s all part of his life's journey and a further distance between us.
Motherhood; one of the toughest roads I've had to travel but one of the best gifts I have ever had - and it never really belonged to me.
So what happens next? Do we ever really know?
Today, as a I complete my early morning Pilates class, it feels like my birthday as well, as what better gift could I have had than my little boy all those years ago.
So happy birthday to me! I have so much more to celebrate than I do on my actual birthday.  I have enabled and provided for a boy that I know will eventually go on to follow up with so much that I have started. His absolute passion for making a difference will mean that he contributes to so many others as his life moves forward.   Will my job ever be done? Hell no, I'm here for the long haul. For better or worse, our lives will always be inextricably linked.  


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