Sunday, February 17, 2013

Why some girls can and some girls can't

I am truly in the company of women. Yes with the 100 plus that I employ every day, I have learnt more about my sex than any man will ever think he knows. My hands-on approach and my open door policy has certainly advanced my learnings.
So after twenty years have I seen it all?
Is there new stuff to learn about my own sex?
Yep! Every day they surprise me. For better or for worse - that’s traditionally my day. The curve balls keep coming.
But why is it that we are all so different when there are so many constants in our work environment?
Why is it that some girls are rock stars in the role that they do and others are not, yet they all work with exactly the same constants (stock, retail environment and support)?

Three words will easily answer that:

Great girls love what they do. They constantly seek opportunity in their role if you provide a platform of earnings. There is no glass ceiling in their world, as they will simply smash through!
There is opportunity in adversity for these girls. They don't get bogged down with the detail, they always have the big picture at the forefront. They know if it has to be it will be up to them! They drive their own outcomes.

They never make them. They step up to the plate and take accountability for the role they love. They want to do better. It will never be anyone else's fault or anyone else’s problem. Yes it’s never easy to shoulder the stuff-ups of others but it’s all part of their success in their role as a leader. They know that their failures simply become the foundation stones of their eventual success.

They know that positive and ongoing connection with their team mates and customers equals their success. They take their likable pills each and every day. They have the gift of making people feel special which is all in the name of achieving their success. It truly is a very clear pathway for them.
Simple stuff really yet so underrated and under practiced but it truly is the difference and the reason why some girls can and some girl can't!


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