Thursday, July 5, 2012

London Calling

We’re in London and it hasn't stopped raining since we arrived. It seems my life is measured by the events that populate my year and once again the annual sojourn to the UK has arrived… not that I don't relish this time out of the business being exposed and introduced to all sorts of different environments, people, ideas and trends throughout fashion food and retail in general. This time I have chosen to fly through Hong Kong as I'm simply over the debacle that is the US transit process. I have also heard it’s 3 hours closer this way… I’m not so sure… regardless the trip went without hiccup… well nearly.
While transiting through security in Hong Kong on our way to the lounge for a two hour wait, Tony had not quite worked out his total bag count and left one at the security machine.
We arrived at the top of a very lengthy escalator and the missing bag was discovered. In a panic we looked around for a staircase to take us back down but there was none.
Solution: In a very James Bond moment he proceeded to descend the up escalator; much to the amusement of our fellow passengers. The bag was retrieved and we headed for the lounge.
Note to self: He's nearly 50 years old… things are just going to get worse.

Yes I’m still dry (Dry July) and managed to avoid the inflight alcohol, although it was not so difficult this time with Air New Zealand being the airline of cuts. You'd think that if they removed the smellys from the loos that they would take the holders as well!
The wine also has definitely been a target. Long gone are the days of the Gibbston Valley pinot noir that I once coveted. Maybe it is time to try another airline?

London has geared up for the Olympics big time. The visual is definitely here, especially along the main routes. I don't know how the traffic will cope during the games in that it’s so manic now. The cabbies are grizzling as usual, given the huge amount of pending road closures and no one seems ecstatic about the prospect of hosting such a major event, although I'm sure that there will be many business winners.

The London hotel was a nice surprise, although we had done our internet homework before departure. After a small moan re. the size of the room we were upgraded the following day.
Day one and we hit the streets. It’s always about establishing the trends, scoping the store windows and getting a total picture of the retail scene.

The city was in full sale so retail was a mess. The High Street as always was throbbing. What I would give to have turnover at these levels but the back streets where quiet and, given the prices in some of the labelled stores the sale of one of their garments should pay most of their pending overhead.

It was great to see some of the new trends starting to populate fashion retail… purple, metallic gold and lime dominate the color palette on the High Street and the style once again has a retro feel with lots of recycling. Wrapping and twisting of fabric to form an interesting dress shape still appears strong. Cowl necks are big as with one shoulder styling and peplum shapes continue. Huge placement prints of flowers on shift frocks look fantastic and big bows still adorn a lot of the garments. Patriotism runs high and the stripes of the British flag adorn so many of the dress styles, the hosiery/ accessory collections and there’s an equestrian feel creeping into some of the winter collections; a welcome break from the over thrashed flower child that has been such a big trend in summer.

Day two was more of the same punctuated by a presentation in the evening to a New Zealand women's business group, one I have spoken to before and enjoy the resultant networking.
Day three enabled a visit to the Seven Dials area just outside of Covent Garden. A pie for breakfast… I figure now that I'm not drinking I must have a calorie credit going on and who can resist the traditional english pie and gravy, especially when it’s had this level of make over (feta and butternut was my choice). Tony had the free range chicken and mushroom with the full monty peas and mash punctuated with the well of gravy… yum.

The Seven Dials visit was about a possible retail site given the collaboration we have with a retailer over here who has been selling the Chameleon dress well. A few empty sites and definitely food for thought… so if I can work in a partnership I wonder if I can convince one of my NZ girls to relocate??

The evening saw another presentation from myself to a great group of expats organized via Kea located in a newly opened cafe and bar in Leonard Street, Ozone. This is well worth a visit - take the Old Street Station on the Northern Line.

Day four and a quick recap of retail to consider the accessorizing of our NZ Fashion Week show and then we were off to the airport. One bag too many for Aer Lingus so a quick stop at the Left Luggage Depot in Terminal 1 and then we catch our flight. Destination: Galway and the Volvo Ocean Yacht Race celebrations.

10 days later and I'm still dry. Loving the great feeling in the mornings and here’s the proof...

 Don’t forget to support my Dry July crusade. You can donate here


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