Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Is Being Remarkable Easier Than You Think – Here's 1 Quick Step to Leave Normal Behind

Your remarkable life hides just beneath normality. Learn just how easily you can discover success for you and your family.

I have to confess to misleading the media. I didn't do it intentionally - in fact it wasn't until after the interview that I realised what I had just said. When asked if my success "could be attributed to a special set of skills?" I replied, "I don't think that I am that different from most normal people in business!" The truth is that I have never wanted to be normal. I could not live with myself if my business was just 'normal'. I thrive on challenging normal and cannot imagine not stretching myself in at least ten different directions at once all day every day!

It is here that I would normally use the - "If I am not tripping and falling, then I am not learning!" reference, but it has been pointed out to me that this is a very negative metaphor and doesn't really inspire a lot of confidence. After all, could you imagine Usain Bolt regularly explaining his pathway to successive Olympic gold’s by suggesting that he follows a trip with a fall?

My third book - Rock the Boat - asks the reader to reject 'normal' expectations of themselves and make the changes necessary to achieve their dreams and ambitions. Put simply, thinking and acting normally will achieve very little more than normality. The late great Steve Jobs sought to leave 'normal' behind. Apple has absolutely nothing normal in its business vocabulary. Like so many iconic brands, normal is replaced with remarkable! Ergo, to have a remarkable life you must leave normal behind!

The good news is that a remarkable life is very easy to achieve.  

To get that 'boat rocking' simply apply one positive change to one element of your life at a time.

Is that it you ask? Well no, it isn't.
There are two conditions; the changes you make must be applied consistently. You must make leaving your normal life behind a new habit. Like all great achievers, you practice daily what it is you need to be great at. The second condition is to remove all doubt. New Zealand's top business achievers have one common thread in their success formula… they never doubt their ability to become the very best.

Start your journey to a remarkable life with positive and achievable step changes.

Even the current President of the United States, Barrack Obama, walked to the podium to accept his second term in office one step at a time! If your goal is to achieve great wealth and financial independence, you will still need to move towards this goal in a manageable way. Let me help you begin your journey to a remarkable new life with this simple but amazingly successful business strategy that I have applied since my first day in business.

From the very beginning of this amazing business journey of mine, I knew that time and efficiency were my greatest assets. Both are absolutely free and I can look to call on them at any moment of any day!
You don't need to look for more time in a day, you simply make more time. Every day I wake at 4:30am. In doing so, I have found two hours of quality time every working day to focus on my remarkable life.

That is nearly two extra days a fortnight that I have created and 100% of this extra time is quiet, focused and doubt free.

Now that you have made time, you simply add the efficiency factor. In your new found times of focused endeavor you will discover how clearly your plan of attack becomes. Ensure you prioritise your time wisely for each working day to make sure one or more remarkable life goals are achieved. Remember to start with small goals and work on creating that habit of doubt free success. You will very quickly begin to gain confidence and raise the business or personal life goals bar!

Like so many world beating athletes, you will have put in two hours of highly focused and successful training every working day, all before normal folk have got out of bed! When I look at the wide range of world beaters that have achieved a global presence; Michael Phelps, Sir Richard Branson, Jamie Oliver… I know that they have trained hard but also trained smart. Why not join them?

Whatever your remarkable life looks like, it is just waiting for you to join it. Leave normal behind and look for a pathway to your personal success.

Send me your thoughts - I'll be up early tomorrow looking for your feedback.


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