Sunday, August 19, 2012

Why you can never get too big for your boots

Awarding to a very deserved grand prize winner

 For the last 7 years I have been the MC for a wonderful fashion show in Ngatea (The Make and Model show). It is the brainchild of Christina and Amanda, two very passionate and motivated teachers at the Hauraki Plains College (where I have also been fortunate enough to partake in their principal for a day program).
These women are a delight to work with and show such energy towards creating a platform for the students to showcase the wonderful garments that they have created as part of their NCEA folio work.
The show attracts capable students from a lot of the big colleges within an hour radius of Ngatea, enabling a wonderful line-up of garments and providing some very real competition for the kids and it is all extremely well judged by three very competent judges that also come back year after year.
The sponsor line-up is impressive and is a high testament to the organizer’s energy. Yes, I truly look forward to this event every year.
I am often asked why do I bother? How do I find the time but this is one of the highlights in my year and truly does fit with the focus I have around a total support of the local community and creative pursuits. And at 30 minute drive from Morrinsville they truly do qualify as time well spent.
This year, the night and show once again were fabulous… a riot of color and style and very on trend. Mullet skirts abound, hmm don't know if my customer base would be so keen to sport these as they are definitely the domain of the young.
Just check out these images…

Top L-R: This white dress with red flowers was my favourite. The little ladybug was the cutest thing!
I love the drama of the blue and pink tutus. Amanda, myself and Christina

The purpose and the very vital need that an event like this serves can often be overlooked in today’s busy world. The ability for the next generation of fashionistas to showcase their work and have it benchmarked against their peers is so important in nurturing New Zealand's creative talent.
The strict judging criteria is all about the standard of completion rather than the creative flair vital to set the students on the right pathway. Although there is one section that enables this and I excitingly get to judge it.
And the power that small events like this have to aggregrate and bring together our small communities cannot be underestimated. It enables businesses to get involved via sponsorship and parents to get a very real look at their kids work (even the teachers have put in entries).
Not to mention the confidence factor it engenders as most of the designers take to the catwalk nervously wearing their own creations… Perfect!
There’s also a top model award and they get to do a day’s work experience with us!
I will always want to be involved in events such as this as anything that ignites the creative passions of our youth and provides a creative platform has got to be great.

So roll on next year and don't you ever loose that passion Christina and Amanda… you guys are the real superstars loving and encouraging the kids the way you do!!!!!


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