Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A designer's take on the 2012 Olympic uniforms

Well there was always going to be polarized opinion over the Olympic team’s uniforms. God help any incumbent designer that was approached as you can never get a consensus of opinion in the field of public apparel. Dressing women daily as I do, I truly know this...
The dynamic of comments are certainly extensive via the social media and internet platforms. So as a fashion designer of 20 years with a relentless eye for detail, what do I think???

I do know that I had a huge empathy with Kiwi fashion brand Zambesi and the constant flack they took for their design of the Air New Zealand uniforms.
They were possibly not the best fit to do this job given their very left-of-centre design handwriting. Trelise Cooper's update on the other hand seems to have created a look that matches the mood of the New Zealand traveller and is well received by the wearers.
So back to the Olympic uniforms... in taking a quick snapshot of the major players I can't help but marvel at the diversity of design and styles.
-          The Spanish look like they are about to deliver pizza
-          The Ukrainians seem to be caught up in a bad 80s movie
-          Switzerland is displaying the wholesome outdoors with their red and white stripes
-          Russia... hmm and matching background to boot
-          I got USA mixed up with Italy. Too generic to be anything at all as I would have taken them to be louder and prouder
-          New Zealand takes on the Stepford Wives meets the 1980s
-          Netherlands looks more like a fashion shoot for the latest Vogue magazine
-          And our medal winners, China well they don't look like they have done anything special at all and simply turned up in their training gear!

Fashion is such a personal thing. Look at the offerings from the designers of the world. Just as many will like the Spaniards glowing creations as will dislike the anonymity of the USA's navy and blue Ralph Lauren creations.
What I love is that here no right or wrong answers. It’s simply about a celebration of sporting excellence and excitement of selection.

New Zealand




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