Sunday, October 13, 2013

What Miley Can Teach You About Online Marketing

Let me show you the pathway to World Domination:

While I have no desire to rule the world or even the world of Fashion, I do of course still dream that my Brand will one day be recognized across much of the wondrous planet.
Sure a BIG goal, but that's the beauty of goals. They're personal and are only limited by your own belief.

Even though I am driven to continue to achieve my goals, I cannot say that I have the naked ambition of Miley Cyrus but I do believe she has identified and utilized the singularly most powerful pathway to worldwide awareness of her brand. The Digital Pathway!

Miley has been quoted saying “It’s almost depressing when you’re not working. You’re so used to people calling your name, and that energy, and when you don’t have it anymore … That’s why I never complain about people wanting autographs or pictures. Because if there were a few days where no one asked, I’d probably be like ‘What the f–’s going on? Do people not like me?”

As the debate over Miley's extreme strategies of self-promotion rage across the world’s vast media platforms, she must be sitting wearing little more than a huge grin as she becomes the planet’s most talked about woman.

There is very little about Miley that I have an interest in but I too am wearing a huge grin as I know that I can travel the exact same digital pathway to world recognition.  A lesson from her… get people talking by doing something outside of your comfort zone. 

Of course the use of the World Wide Web is not a shattering revolutionary break-though.  We all know it exists .... right?  Sorry ... wrong!

In business terms, a significant number of businesses are still refusing to highlight the use of any digital platforms in their business planning or even their marketing strategies.

Take this random example... I am enjoying a moment of reflection and conversation at lunch with my partner during the weekend.  Choosing a cider as my refreshment, I am served the most delicious one I have ever tasted. The combination of the apple and elderflower was simply heaven.

Given my reaction to the cider I began to reflect on adding it to our drinks selection at our Cafes.  I hastily begin to read the label to gather some information - a web address - so I can learn more and make contact to begin to stock the brand.

To my amazement and frustration there was absolutely no reference to a website!

Small example I know, but take a quick look on line for your local plumber, electrician or even medical centre and very few have a digital presence.  

A digital presence is essential for all businesses - especially the small businesses that make up 80% of our domestic trading platform.  

You must have a digital signature that anchors your existence.  This reference point links you across a significant platform of communication and provides multiple access points for your customers.

I am not advocating extreme spending on fancy websites, nor am I asking you to 'twerk' while scantily clad in a public space to raise awareness for your brand.  Simply have your say about who you are and why potential clients should consider you as a positive choice for their purchases or projects.

Take two simple steps onto the digital highway and I guarantee growth for your business…

1)     Become visible

2)     Become Active

Yep, it's that easy.

Our digital sales have grown exponentially as I dedicate time and resources to ensure our website is more visible and more interactive.  No gimmicks, no excessive spending, just new ideas and fresh approaches to marketing my brand. Scarily simple with frighteningly significant results!!!

So there you go, join Miley on your journey to World Domination or at least a small measure of public awareness - get on that digital highway!


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