Saturday, April 28, 2012

How do I love thee ... let me count the ways

With Mother's Day looming I have decided to take a lighter angle re. the blog. After all, I am first and foremost a woman and a mother, then comes the business bit and having just shared a wonderful night in Auckland with my daughter, Sam... who has forewarned me that her and Edward, my son will be together on Mother's Day,  just not with me .. arghhhhh

I have decided to look at the ways that I can invest in myself. In fact, the ways that I do invest in myself each and every week.

I am sure that many think that all I do is work which, in a lot of ways, I do as work crosses over into my life continually. I do, however hold fast to several weekly non-negotiable's that are important to me...

1. I take Ester C (Vitamin C) every day. Sometimes up to 4 capsules in a day if I'm not feeling 100.
It has kept me soooo healthy. It really does work and, given it does not stay in your system (you apparently cannot overdose) I do know it works for me as I am never or very rarely sick and certainly haven't had to hit the bed for at least 10years.

2. I have a great hairdresser. Deb is her name and I make sure I visit at least once a week to have my hair blow waved. Yep, with so much going on in my life it's a non-negotiable and cuts my morning preparation time down to nothing. Her excellent work pretty much ensures I have good hair days most days!

3. Pilates. I'm not sure that I love it but I go three times a week. It's not a maybe: it's a must. If I am around I attend. I'm convinced it must be beneficial and I still find it hard even though I have been going for 6-7 years. Three hours of bending, stretching and core work each week with Sonia has got to be good for me.

4. Flowers. I buy them for my desk and my home every week. I get my Mum who works for me to choose and arrange them. She's always wanted to be a florist and has some wonderful skills in this area. My life without flowers (and my Mum) would be very dull. I have even got Mum loving Gladioli which she never has previously... think it might have been the Dame Edna association.

5. If I'm having a glass of wine, I always makes sure it is a great NZ Pinot or Syrah. Life is too short to drink bad wine, so true...  and I work too hard so my wine cupboard or the environments I choose to eat at and socialise in always sport a good cross section of NZ reds. If they are not great then it's a bonus as I get to have an alcohol free day!

6. Organic Rosehip Oil. I love it. It is the only night cream that I use. It's non-negotiable in my life. I take off my makeup every night, cover my face in this delicious oil and look forward to the wonderful results in the morning. Tony's even adjusted to the resultant shiny dial.

7. Free Range Food. I will only ever eat food that has been farmed sustainably; not just when it is on offer. Sure it's not always easy but in the words of one of my close friends... if it has a bar code, it's not food. Extreme, yep but then look at how slim chef Ray McVinnie is and he's a huge advocate of eating fresh, seasonal and sustainable food always. Although I did see him eat a boiled lolly when we were judging! Guess we all fall off the wagon at times.

8. Wear Matching Underwear. It wasn't always easy, but it was a comment from Tony, "Honey, if you like that bra, rather than wear it so often why not buy two the same? Splash out and buy three rather than an assortment that sees you always going back to the same one." So now when I buy new underwear I find a set I like and replicate. Perfect! (No more road accident worries for me).

I'd love to hear from some of you other 'time poor' ladies as to how you invest in yourselves!

A few tips for Deborah Mundy of Caroline Eve:

I think it is important to invest in chill out time - where I do not have to think about anything - I need to clear and slow the mind down!

I do this by:

- watching a good movie
- Take a Walk on tread mill or around the farm 2 - 3 times per week
- Nails and pedicure once a fortnight
- Practise my stretching routine
- Ensure we eat the main meal of the day around the dining table, taking time to talk as a family and have some great laughs!

and once the mind is clear - if I take a long drive - it is amazing how many new ideas pop into it and I start planning once again!! Most of my thinking is done when I am driving!

A few tips from Tina Cross:

   1. My two weekly personal training sessions
   2. A Body Balance Class between 1 and 3 times a week
   3. A daily long macchiato while reading the newspaper
   4. My special egg white omelete with spinach, mushrooms and a tiny bit of onion, at least twice a week.
   5. Playing my guitar and coming up with usually half of an original this space for my singer songwriter fantasy album.


A few tips from Kirsti Stock, Manager Annah.S Whitianga:

Love thy self:
- Dermalogica PreCleanse - I'm in love with this product! This super fine oil gets all my makeup off & it smells all lavender-y & gorgeous. To me, using this signals the end of the day & its divine scent helps me relax & feel good. Probably one of my favourite parts of the day...
- Trim Flat White - every morning on the way to work. I'm very slow getting going without one... I've worked out which is the best in WhitiCity (& some days are better then others), but I do miss living across the road from Atomic Coffee in Kingsland. I make sure I use my Keep Cup too - it's amazing how the paper cups add up otherwise! (so I guess this is an addiction rather than pampering??)
- Nail Polish - I'm addicted to OPI nail polish. I have way too many & as a result never to get use them all before they go off. So now I've limited myself to just two or three. Having my nails painted makes me feel like I'm 'polished & finished' when it comes to dressing for work. Besides, depending on what colour you use, it's another little form of self-expression.
- Organic Unrefined Coconut Oil - this stuff is amazing! I use it in cooking (it gives an awesome flavour to stir-frys), but also slather it all over my body a few times a week. It's perfect for my dry skin & with the yummy coconut smell, I can pretend I'm on holiday somewhere tropical!!
- Eyebrow shaping - without this, I look like a complete scruff! A definite non-negotiable. And it has to be waxed - no tweezing!
Pilates - every thursday after work. There's usually only six of us to a class, so there's plenty of giggles along with the work! I've been doing pilates for about 10yrs & know that it works for me. Running works for me too, but it's much harder!
- Hello & Goodbye Kisses from Andrew - after my last relationship where I basically had to ask for a kiss, getting hello & goodbye kisses is still a treat for me 2 1/2 yrs on! Another favourite part of the day, & definitely something I couldn't live without! :)

Rosehip Oil - I've heard good things about this as a night treatment... Will give it a go once I've used up my current stuff.
I'm with you on matching underwear - when the Bendon Outlet shop has their Everything For Under $20 sale, I go nuts! Wearing daggy undies makes me feel daggy!

A few tips from Judith Collins:
1.       Give myself a manicure – every Sunday. It’s important to look smart and make an effort.
2.       Buy free range eggs and bacon for me and my family. Even if it costs more, I feel better in providing them.
3.       Do my hair – everyday. Some days are more successful than others but I always , at least try , not to have a ‘bad hair day.’
4.       Shop – I love shopping for clothes, enjoy looking at fashion magazines and take the opportunity when possible.
5.       Walk – or go to the gym. Walking in our clean New Zealand air or – if not possible- on the stair climber makes me feel very virtuous!


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