Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Resolve to Evolve

‘Resolve to Evolve’… my new mantra… it’s not a matter of being thwarted by the daily challenges that life throws at you; it’s about looking at what you can do and remembering that it is not and will never be always about me.

So how do I pay it forward? Sharing all this knowledge and ability that I have acquired over my 20 years of running this wonderful company and ensuring that others do as well; and not just the team that grace my payroll but also those that I network and work alongside.
I’m back at work in NZ and the common catch cry is, “Bet it’s great to be back, Annah”. Well, yes and no given that technology pretty much enables me to achieve most of my daily tasks and decisions. But then there’s nothing like the face of my white boxer Paris, the one that only a mother can love apparently, to really set my heart racing; especially on Valentine’s Day.  And in reference to this day there is certainly not enough love being displayed in our Head Office in that I didn't see one bouquet arrive so I hope so many of you did feel and reciprocate the love that attaches to this day!!

I know there are many ways to show this love and for me, Valentine’s Day aside, we had the pleasure of hosting a 7-year-old autistic boy, Torenzo that has some huge skills around design and a burning desire to enter a wearable arts competition. So my role in the visit (he and his Dad flew from Nelson) was to enable this. What a powerful space it is when you can give credence to someone else's dream and vision when, without expectation, you can add to someone’s life. And all it took was my time. I have quickly come to learn that my time is possibly the most valuable thing that I have to give whether to my partner, my children or the team and other businesses that I support. So it is so important that I prioritize this well so that I never become time poor and that I never waste time as so many do. I guess that’s why I am sitting here at 4am typing this.

Torenzo with Annah and her team at the Head Office
Why are there so few of us that are not prepared to say yes to opportunities like this (and I know this, as to further my support for Torenzo I will have to enlist others with their skills and abilities and I know I will get ten no’s... before I get a yes). So much of my focus is around how I can drive the dreams and visions of others and how I can implement change for the better in people’s lives. This can be as small as tackling health issues within the team to as big as getting another person’s business back on its feet. In any given day it is important that at least 20% of my time is allocated to this agenda as it is the stuff that puts the balance in my life and I believe into the environment. Success in any instance is the only reward that I seek and nothing that I do is not without learning and extension for me. Torenzo’s visit involved the whole team from design to operations. They got involved with a huge passion and energy although they knew they had a mountain of tasks that had to be completed in that day for us as well.

Surely this also will encourage them to get involved in their own initiatives that have a pay-it-forward flavour in that we can only take from the environment that we work and play in. My challenge to all of you is to look for one way every day that you can pay it forward to another. Where you willingly give your time to solve someone else's challenges, take the focus off your orbit and see the differences you can make. And I’d love to hear about these… 

Read more on Annah and Torenzo on Stuff

The update as to the Indian adventure… well I arrived at work yesterday and to my excitement as I scanned my emails there was an email from the boy!!! I opened it quickly; excited that he'd made contact... “Hi Mum… here’s a list of what we have been doing if you want to include it in your blog ...
(Looked a bit like a travel itinerary on speed) “too busy to email or Skype... I love you xxx”

Yep, I have waited for almost 5 days to receive the contact but hey, he's alive and appears to be having the best time. And isn't that what life is all about? Make sure that you always drive the outcomes.


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