Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mrs. Fix It

When did I suddenly become Mrs Fix It??? In the last ten days I have been approached by a myriad of people from all different walks of life with their questions and challenges and I have endeavoured to assist. I suppose the question one might ask is…why? Perhaps I should just ignore the emails, phone calls and Facebook approaches? I mean, I would have the best excuse in the world as I truly am seen as a busy person! But then, isn't it the old adage ‘Give something to a busy person if you want it done’???
I suppose you get to a point when you simply have to make a call and start to prioritize your own work. I know the stuff that makes us money and keeps my large team gainfully employed has priority but it does get harder as each approach has merit and if I know the answer, why not share it and perhaps halve their journey to finding a solution?
A sample of my last week looks like this…
- I have assisted, both through encouragement and funding, both team and family members on the track to a healthier lifestyle.
- I have given up to two hours of my time (each session) with at least five small businesses that have either lost their way or are in start-up phase and need my help.
- I have worked to further a request from a charity (Torenzo’s visit).
- I have assisted my son get through a small altercation in India.
- I have taken at least five calls from business owners and people that I collaborate with to talk them through a business challenge… often these have been in the evening - All these exist alongside the nurture projects that I am involved in as well as my core business of fashion and publishing.
The big question that I get asked from all of them is how to I work to select who I will help and who I turn down. It is very difficult to give an answer and it seems the more I do, the more requests I get.
Yesterday I spent the full day helping others… commendable one might think but possibly not from a hungry team’s point of view; especially as they are also looking for my answers. The advent of Facebook and our ongoing activity in the social media space has given easy access to someone like myself.
So it simply becomes another management time challenge for me. I know that these people get so many ‘no’s’ from so many of the people that they pursue for help, so it becomes a lot harder to turn, especially the relevant requests away.

And speaking of social media… we have entered a new space this week! Yes, there is always something new is this arena... pinterest.com. Have a look… a simple idea as so many of them are that enables some wonderful visuals to be placed... loving what this is!

Well only a few more sleeps and the Indian travellers return. They will be spending their last few days in a small resort (yep I don't know where these poor students got their money from either) in Phuket, Thailand to be exact and they the arrive home on the 27th Feb to start their uni year. Although I have not had as many emails as the other mothers (I guess he didn't want to use up too many of his 1500 daily words on me) I know they have had beyond an excellent time. I too hope to get to India late October… all going well. Now there’s just the small matter of the vaccinations as I have never been great with needles ARGHHHHHH
Exciting times for the company ahead as we have been invited to show at Galway, Ireland as part of the Volvo Ocean Yacht challenge finale in late June. This is another market that our label has traditionally done very well in when sold via a distributor almost five years ago. 

Our international expo season is in full swing with our first bridal show in Brisbane last weekend being a huge success and there are so many more to come. Watch out for us… we may just make your town given that we are going to some very obscure areas!


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