Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Why my father is boycotting Gillette

Can one voice really make a difference?  And are we ever really one voice with the massive amount of digital reach that can occur when one is passionate about a cause?

am not so sure in my father’s case, where at nearly 80 years of age and well and truly ensconced in a rest home, he's decided to grow a beard. Yep, it certainly doesn’t have the Johnny Depp Pirates of the Caribbean effect, although the length seems to be heading that way. The reason? He's decided that Gillette’s 2005 sale to Proctor and Gamble at a princely sum of $57 billion (USD) is simply too much money by anyone’s terms, so he's decided to stop buying their product and consequently stop shaving. The caregivers at the home aren't too fussed … just another job they don't have to do.

It’s unusual to look at my father with a beardI don't think he's ever had one and I possibly suspect that it’s more about it being just a lot easier not to have to go through the whole shaving drama twice a week.

 At Dad's agehis absolutely principled stands are more endearing than anything else. I have many memories of him taking to the public platform to air his voice, his vehicle of choice often his local paper, and they obliged many times by publishing the musings of a frustrated academic in their letters to the editor

Check this extract out ... it certainly makes you think.

John Key as I suggest, is under stress traveling around the country trying to be everyone’s friend. His comments that Liz Hurley is hot and prancing on the catwalk, are strange for a Prime Minister. In additionhe wants to sell our prime assets to overseas buyers and wants to restrict access for Kiwis to our beaches. He defends the purchase of 34 $200,000 BMW'S which is grossly extravagant in regard to the economy. He says living on the employment benefit can be done. Frankly, I think he has lost the plot. I wonder what is coming next.’

I suppose most people simply get on and accept the status quo, rarely putting a voice to their thoughts as one women did the other day when she emailed me to express her disgust with the gollywog dolls that I had for sale on my website ... not that I'd given too much thought to them as they certainly weren't a revenue earner for us, a passing fancy many months ago and I can't even remember why I bought them.

I suppose my actions in deleting them from the site where more in reward to her tenacity. They offended her and I really didn't need them ... good on her for finding her voice.  

My only comment in retrospect would be when you do pluck up the courage to approach someone to drive a change, try data and reason first, and never threaten or issue an ultimatum. You will get a much better result.

 So one voice can't make a difference? I’m not so sure about that. If you are going to eat an elephant, and the proposed dogs and party pill testing in NZ that I am so passionate about surely is an elephant, then take one bite at a time. And that's exactly what all those impassioned NZers are doing, as they take to all of the available platforms to express their support and disgust. 

So you don't have to be in the Branson club to drive real change, you simply have to be passionate about the cause, remember to find your voice and never be afraid to use it, always be informed (get the facts) and don't give a damn what others will think!

We can't all belong to the shrinking violets club. 

People who think that they are crazy enough to change the world are often the ones that do.


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