Saturday, April 28, 2012

How do I love thee ... let me count the ways

With Mother's Day looming I have decided to take a lighter angle re. the blog. After all, I am first and foremost a woman and a mother, then comes the business bit and having just shared a wonderful night in Auckland with my daughter, Sam... who has forewarned me that her and Edward, my son will be together on Mother's Day,  just not with me .. arghhhhh

I have decided to look at the ways that I can invest in myself. In fact, the ways that I do invest in myself each and every week.

I am sure that many think that all I do is work which, in a lot of ways, I do as work crosses over into my life continually. I do, however hold fast to several weekly non-negotiable's that are important to me...

1. I take Ester C (Vitamin C) every day. Sometimes up to 4 capsules in a day if I'm not feeling 100.
It has kept me soooo healthy. It really does work and, given it does not stay in your system (you apparently cannot overdose) I do know it works for me as I am never or very rarely sick and certainly haven't had to hit the bed for at least 10years.

2. I have a great hairdresser. Deb is her name and I make sure I visit at least once a week to have my hair blow waved. Yep, with so much going on in my life it's a non-negotiable and cuts my morning preparation time down to nothing. Her excellent work pretty much ensures I have good hair days most days!

3. Pilates. I'm not sure that I love it but I go three times a week. It's not a maybe: it's a must. If I am around I attend. I'm convinced it must be beneficial and I still find it hard even though I have been going for 6-7 years. Three hours of bending, stretching and core work each week with Sonia has got to be good for me.

4. Flowers. I buy them for my desk and my home every week. I get my Mum who works for me to choose and arrange them. She's always wanted to be a florist and has some wonderful skills in this area. My life without flowers (and my Mum) would be very dull. I have even got Mum loving Gladioli which she never has previously... think it might have been the Dame Edna association.

5. If I'm having a glass of wine, I always makes sure it is a great NZ Pinot or Syrah. Life is too short to drink bad wine, so true...  and I work too hard so my wine cupboard or the environments I choose to eat at and socialise in always sport a good cross section of NZ reds. If they are not great then it's a bonus as I get to have an alcohol free day!

6. Organic Rosehip Oil. I love it. It is the only night cream that I use. It's non-negotiable in my life. I take off my makeup every night, cover my face in this delicious oil and look forward to the wonderful results in the morning. Tony's even adjusted to the resultant shiny dial.

7. Free Range Food. I will only ever eat food that has been farmed sustainably; not just when it is on offer. Sure it's not always easy but in the words of one of my close friends... if it has a bar code, it's not food. Extreme, yep but then look at how slim chef Ray McVinnie is and he's a huge advocate of eating fresh, seasonal and sustainable food always. Although I did see him eat a boiled lolly when we were judging! Guess we all fall off the wagon at times.

8. Wear Matching Underwear. It wasn't always easy, but it was a comment from Tony, "Honey, if you like that bra, rather than wear it so often why not buy two the same? Splash out and buy three rather than an assortment that sees you always going back to the same one." So now when I buy new underwear I find a set I like and replicate. Perfect! (No more road accident worries for me).

I'd love to hear from some of you other 'time poor' ladies as to how you invest in yourselves!

A few tips for Deborah Mundy of Caroline Eve:

I think it is important to invest in chill out time - where I do not have to think about anything - I need to clear and slow the mind down!

I do this by:

- watching a good movie
- Take a Walk on tread mill or around the farm 2 - 3 times per week
- Nails and pedicure once a fortnight
- Practise my stretching routine
- Ensure we eat the main meal of the day around the dining table, taking time to talk as a family and have some great laughs!

and once the mind is clear - if I take a long drive - it is amazing how many new ideas pop into it and I start planning once again!! Most of my thinking is done when I am driving!

A few tips from Tina Cross:

   1. My two weekly personal training sessions
   2. A Body Balance Class between 1 and 3 times a week
   3. A daily long macchiato while reading the newspaper
   4. My special egg white omelete with spinach, mushrooms and a tiny bit of onion, at least twice a week.
   5. Playing my guitar and coming up with usually half of an original this space for my singer songwriter fantasy album.


A few tips from Kirsti Stock, Manager Annah.S Whitianga:

Love thy self:
- Dermalogica PreCleanse - I'm in love with this product! This super fine oil gets all my makeup off & it smells all lavender-y & gorgeous. To me, using this signals the end of the day & its divine scent helps me relax & feel good. Probably one of my favourite parts of the day...
- Trim Flat White - every morning on the way to work. I'm very slow getting going without one... I've worked out which is the best in WhitiCity (& some days are better then others), but I do miss living across the road from Atomic Coffee in Kingsland. I make sure I use my Keep Cup too - it's amazing how the paper cups add up otherwise! (so I guess this is an addiction rather than pampering??)
- Nail Polish - I'm addicted to OPI nail polish. I have way too many & as a result never to get use them all before they go off. So now I've limited myself to just two or three. Having my nails painted makes me feel like I'm 'polished & finished' when it comes to dressing for work. Besides, depending on what colour you use, it's another little form of self-expression.
- Organic Unrefined Coconut Oil - this stuff is amazing! I use it in cooking (it gives an awesome flavour to stir-frys), but also slather it all over my body a few times a week. It's perfect for my dry skin & with the yummy coconut smell, I can pretend I'm on holiday somewhere tropical!!
- Eyebrow shaping - without this, I look like a complete scruff! A definite non-negotiable. And it has to be waxed - no tweezing!
Pilates - every thursday after work. There's usually only six of us to a class, so there's plenty of giggles along with the work! I've been doing pilates for about 10yrs & know that it works for me. Running works for me too, but it's much harder!
- Hello & Goodbye Kisses from Andrew - after my last relationship where I basically had to ask for a kiss, getting hello & goodbye kisses is still a treat for me 2 1/2 yrs on! Another favourite part of the day, & definitely something I couldn't live without! :)

Rosehip Oil - I've heard good things about this as a night treatment... Will give it a go once I've used up my current stuff.
I'm with you on matching underwear - when the Bendon Outlet shop has their Everything For Under $20 sale, I go nuts! Wearing daggy undies makes me feel daggy!

A few tips from Judith Collins:
1.       Give myself a manicure – every Sunday. It’s important to look smart and make an effort.
2.       Buy free range eggs and bacon for me and my family. Even if it costs more, I feel better in providing them.
3.       Do my hair – everyday. Some days are more successful than others but I always , at least try , not to have a ‘bad hair day.’
4.       Shop – I love shopping for clothes, enjoy looking at fashion magazines and take the opportunity when possible.
5.       Walk – or go to the gym. Walking in our clean New Zealand air or – if not possible- on the stair climber makes me feel very virtuous!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

10 workplace habits of highly INEFFECTIVE people

I spend so much of my day surrounded by people. In an organization like mine it takes a huge variety of personalities to make the wheels spin and these people come from all walks of life. They are my employees, my suppliers and my customers as well as my nearest and dearest and one thing I do know is that they all behave very differently.
I have had 20 years of observing behaviours and whilst I truly do believe that, as a general population we are dealing less effectively with our challenges, it is more the way we react when they occur that I see as the problem. So here goes with the 10 workplace habits that I so often see... in ineffective people!

Ineffective people stress. I don’t believe this word should enter anyone’s vocab in the workplace. Stress is self-induced and, in my opinion, can be removed by simply managing time well. FACT: you can only do so much in a day so sort out the stuff that has to happen and leave the rest. Stress comes from an inability to prioritise in a work environment. So 80/20… only 20% of the stuff needs to be done in a day… identify it and leave the 80% for another time.

I really hate this word... “Oh... I just assumed.” Really... so why didn't we check or ask so that rather than assume, we actually got it right! I have outlawed it in our work space. To me it simply represents an ineffective person that fails to check before making a decision, or effecting a task.

Yep, you have heard them. It’s never their fault no matter how high up the organizational chart they are. It is always someone else that is responsible. Every time a team member of mine stuffs up, I look at what I, not they could have done to prevent this. If you manage a team you have an ongoing responsibility. So rather than blaming, look at how you can prevent scenarios re-occurring. Grow people rather than undermine them. Stuff ups happen… just get on and fix them, rather than wasting more time trying to attach blame!

These people never get anything finished. They are always gonna get to it. In fact, often when it does finally get to you, you have forgotten you requested it. Their work is often incomplete, always late and never what you really wanted. So when it does arrive it becomes a process of tooing and froing to get the end result. These people often work longer hours than anyone else but are still highly ineffectual. In fact, you spend a lot of time over compensating for them. Invite them anywhere and tell them the event starts one hour earlier than it actually does, give them deadlines that are days/ weeks earlier than you actually needed and good luck !

These people waste time, spread information that is often wrong and delight in the failings of others. I hate hearsay. I would much rather hear it from the horse’s mouth and when I do, it is often so very different to the version that is being bandied around. Refuse to listen to this type of talk. It is as its name suggests… gossip and highly likely to be loaded with error!

What is this about??? Why when dealing with a work place challenge, do people burst into tears? Really... it does take away from what is being addressed. In fact, it distracts and has a tendency to dilute a process that is simply about getting the job done better. Please save the tears for stuff that really matters, focus on what is being addressed, absorb, communicate and then get on with doing the job.

Implement change and these people thwart; taking all those that will listen with them. They never take time to consider what is really happening or have any robust analysis around the processes. They fear change for change’s sake and become catalysts of objection in the work place. They baulk and divide teams just because they can. Great leaders embrace change. They are always looking for how we can do things better, rather than simply adhering to what was done before.

It’s all abut me… never the about the team… I am the success story in this environment… it’s never about growing others which often results in a high churn in the team they lead. They invite very little input from others as they always know best. In fact, input is often not welcome or taken and quickly disregarded and if it is eventually implemented, it is seen as a personal infringement on their capabilities.

They expect their peers to be clairvoyants. They never talk to challenges, never discuss their visions and therefore are constantly delivering negative surprises in the work environment.

These people are never happy. They will always tell you about someone who is earning more, what they have done in the past, what their life used to be, what they could have been or what they are missing out on. You can never win! These people always feel that they are perpetually leaving. They never seem settled or happy and often create unrest in a team. I am often just left waiting and wondering where or when it will all end!

My suggestion to you is never be these people. If you recognize some of the traits in yourself, work hard to change them. Become a polar opposite to what is listed above and you will become one of the highly EFFECTIVE people.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The seven deadly sins of business

It’s official! I am twenty years old in business and I know stuff that so many others don't! So it’s truly time to get everyone looking at how we can make change because we can. Running our businesses and our lives in the same way as we always have simply doesn't work in this new environment. Last night I was at a Global Women dinner in Auckland. This is one of the spaces that I love to be in the most as there is always a wonderful mix of capable minds from a huge variety of career and company bases that truly do add value to every conversation that is had and these women know their stuff! They have been highly trained and are incredibly passionate about the fields that they are in.
The question then, is how we get more people and more business into this space so that they truly do experience the rewards of success….
So here are my seven deadly sins:


Your team and the people around you are not clairvoyant; you must always communicate. Not only your vision and your expectations but the highs and the lows. If you are challenged by a behaviour, talk to the perpetrator and if someone does a great job, celebrate with them. Acknowledge the special moments in their life (I give birthday presents to all of my team on their day). Have the conversations - the tough ones and the good ones. And if you are employed, the same goes for you as well - always communicate with your employer. Don't leave them to second guess what the problem may be. Most of us are not wanting a resignation, which is often the result of this non-communication. We just want you to talk to us! Try it: you will be surprised at the outcomes.


Yep it is your fault! The buck stops with you. If it doesn't work or something goes horribly wrong, step up to the plate and take ownership. There is nothing wrong with stuffing up; especially if you only go there once. It’s when it happens again and again that it is a problem. So stop looking for scapegoats. Accept accountability and look at how you move on from it. Your team are not to blame and, let’s face it they can only be as good as the environment that you create. So get on and fix the problem rather than looking for someone to blame.


Efficiency lacks from so many operations and peoples lives. I use the 80/20 rule to combat this. Only twenty percent of the stuff that happens in a day needs to happen in an immediate time frame. Identify it and action it. Don’t be one of those ‘gonna do’ businesses/ people that are always behind and always promising to get back to people. It’s a fact that we are all busy (so stop telling people it would be a problem if you weren't). Just get on and do the job. Take the piffle out of your day. Do not be distracted by the stuff that is not a priority and stop letting people and your operation down… introduce a discipline into your life.


You can never be good at something if you don't love it, so if you have fallen out of love with your business/ job get out (or at least make a change). To continue on is to severely disadvantage your operation and your health. We are put on this planet for a short time so start to look for something that you love to do. You owe it to yourself as well as your operation. To continue on is to promote mediocrity and no one deserves that!


Life and business are about risk… risk = growth… if you don't try you will never know. We live in a bubble in New Zealand. We continue to do what we have always done and we are so afraid of the stigma of failure. Failure is the foundation of success. News flash… IT IS OKAY TO FAIL! In fact there is no growth without failure. People and operations need to fail to grow, try something or do something differently. Our entry into the Australian Market has been fraught will challenges… so did I give up? Hell no! I have assessed, determined the problem and opened two more sites! Am I concerned about doing business in China? Of course I am. I may even lose money but if it works I stand to gain a lot more!


Living a great life or building a great business is about three things: Passion, Discipline and Integrity… that’s all you need.
If the integrity goes, the model erodes. I never have to worry about what people think and there will always be at least 15% of the people out there that don't agree with where I am heading. But I choose to focus on the 85 % that do and move forward. Do not let others sway your decisions and choices. Trust that you can and will make good decisions and, as long as they come from the heart they will always be made with good integrity.
So stop caring about what others think! It will be debilitating for you. Get on and live your life and run your operation… and always apply good integrity to all that you do.


Take the focus off yourself and look at how you can take the knowledge and skills that you have acquired and pay it forward. Resolve to help others evolve. To help others is simply about giving time and, in doing so there will always be lessons and opportunities that arise. Don't become so time poor that you stop looking outwards. The balance that I have achieved in my life has been through the energy that I have given to others. Sure this is not always as rewarding as it should be, but when it goes to plan it is fantastic. Yesterday I spent an hour in a busy day talking with a woman who has started a charity called Bellyfull. They essentially take a meal and a hug to capable women who have left the high powered roles they were in to have a baby; an all consuming thing as many of us know and in a territory that is so foreign. What a great initiative and there will be plenty of ways I can help and align to Bellyfull. It is exciting to think that there are still people that care so much about others that they get on and create these initiatives with no monetary reward for themselves (yep, no one is on the payroll) simply because they want to make a difference. Allowing these people into my life and giving them my time creates a wonderful balance for myself and the operations that I run.

I have covered off my seven sins and there are so many more but at least if you absorb and takeaway something from one of these change will occur… Good Luck!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Women who love too much ???

I am certainly a victim of this and I truly believe that in some cases  I love to the point of stupidity .. Just look at me night after night as I sleep pinned between two dogs, a white boxer on one side .. and as the evenings get colder she creeps closer and closer and on the other side is a Jack Russell .. stupid !!! Well its worse than that, as I get hay fever, so I often have to take a pill, just to make it through the night with my two hairy friends ... but.... I have seen statistics that say 60% of us sleep with our animals .. I wonder how many of those are women as opposed to men ??

Check out this image, it was a card that was given to me by a woman who was part of the audience at the last event I spoke at.
As I left the building I happened to be behind her and overheard her discussing with her friend in absolute amazement, that someone like me would sleep with my dogs .. ???
Hence the card  and I love it !

So lets translate this loving too much into other aspects of a woman's life, as I truly do believe that it is one of our intrinsic flaws .. When I think about my kids and perhaps as a single parent  how I may have parented a little differently. I certainly know that they had a much less lenient environment with their Dad, his expectations of contribution where a lot higher than mine ...  And this has only increased their respect of his rules and expectations and never ever diminished their love for him ???

I have learnt over the years that love is not about the flashy material gifts .. it is about one thing........

........................................................................TIME ............................................................................

This also applies to my business and the team that I employ, as well as the third parties that I endeavor to assist .. The most valuable thing that I have to give them is my time .. it is worth so much more than any money I could bestow on them  .. the money is a finite thing and  it will never enable growth or change in the way that my time and the experiences that I can now speak of, can  ... ( twenty years this Saturday)  the information I can share, is loaded with takeaways that utilized well should keep on yielding for the recipients .. I certainly know that in this over busy life that I lead, the only gift that I ever want from my kids and my partner is time ( this of course is hugely appealing to my forever poor  children )... but  I'm not sure if I want to keep on celebrating my birthday with a gift of shopping time from them i.e. my birthday and I take them shopping with my cheque book but at least we are together ???? .. arhhhh NO ! Anyway I am so... not a big shopping fan ! A long lunch at my favourite cafe is definitely a yes !

Then I must also consider the causes that I am so passionate ( to the point of obsessive ) about.
At the top of these has to be the animal ones.( I have even offered a food subsidy to convert the five boys in Edwards Dunedin flat to a free range lifestyle ).
I sat and watched SPCA rescue this week on TV-one, with tears in my eyes,  as they tended to a little puppy ( who someone had named  Pretty ) she had been shot with a slug gun three times .. incredible, what planet  are these perpetrators on .. I will never understand or forgive anyone that deals to an animal in this way .. hell I can't even imagine killing a chicken, let alone running over a bunny or a hedgehog!
I had an interesting conversation with a woman that visited me last week .. as we got around to my passion for the pigs and chickens and seeing them farmed differently, of which she whole heartily agreed, yep a big free range advocate was she .. except when eating out, she just made a natural assumption that any places she chose, given they where of a reputable standing and clever with food, would obviously be free range ..
Wrong !!! Never assume always ask and if you really want to make a change to the way we farm pigs and chickens, remember  you make a vote every time you purchase so exercise this not just when you are in the supermarket but also when you eat out,  at friends or a restaurant/cafe.
Once again.... Im just so passionate about this crusade that it truly does have an impact on my choices and my life .. I will simply not negotiate this principal to make a situation easier, as so may others do.

And finally there is this company of mine .. and yes in so many ways I do love it too much .. and given so many others have input into how we operate each day this in itself will have ongoing challenges for me.
I have however now come to the realization that no one will ever effect a task in the same way that I would and this is absolutely okay, in that in many instances they will do it so much better.
I hate to imagine how I would fare if I was ever to compete against some of our capable  retail girls and their huge love of the brand that translates into their strong selling ability.
The converse of this is that when the team stuff up, it is simply that and as long as the mistake is a new one it is all about the learning and growing process  that they will all need to go through ..
Even when I am steering down the barrel of a considerable price tag that attaches to the error, it is is simply time to breathe .. look at how we prevent this happening in the future .. and moving on .. As much as I love this brand of mine and want to protect it at the highest level .. the employment of people will alway be something that I have to factor into this love.

So with Mothers Day fast approaching,  I also reflect on the 24 years that I have been a Mum .. And as so many of us Mums would say, my kids truly are my greatest achievements, my biggest passion.. those two children of mine have been my greatest love affair as well as providing me with a total balance in my life and what more could a girl want ?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

It's My Birthday And I'll Cry If I Want To ...

OMG..... Where has all the time gone, on the 14th of April, yep this Saturday to be exact I will be 20 years of age in company terms. I can still remember the day that I started out on our farm just outside of Morrinsville, in a tiny office with a phone and a fax and a second hand photocopier.
I had nothing but an absolute self belief and a love of the trade. I also had an absolute ability and a passion for doing the deal, yep, I loved to negotiate, from the purchasing of fabric to the selling of the frocks to the generic traders. I had finally found something that pushed all my buttons, sure I still had lots to learn, but if you love something as much as I did and still do, you will always do well at it ... and I suppose the rest is history. There are many people who believed in me in those early days, they took the punt, gave me the chance and in doing so set me up to become the business force that I am today. Kevyn Male of Route 66 and 3 Bears fame in New Market, he was Mr. Retail and when he spoke the other womenswear retailers listened. I became his new protégé, supplied him with his garments at great prices and he in return extolled by abilities to those that would listen and in those days they all did!
Pam the head womenswear buyer at K Mart NZ, she truly enabled me to create a very robust cash flow for my business. Gerard Gillespie at Ezibuy, a hero of the industry then and today, just by watching and having involvement with his company my learnings where always rich, I so wanted to be like him. Brenda and the team at Max Fashions, Vaughn and Snow Rainger Textiles Team where I got all the great fabrics at great prices and possibly my most poignant moment and there have been a few.... has to have been the day Farmers Trading company gave me the order for 20,000 shift dresses. We must have employed the whole Tatuanui district to sew, press and QC those frocks, but we meet our deadlines and delivered every dress ... so many memories, so many frocks. Never once have I regretted that day that I packed up my stuff and left my last employer, to start my new venture. Sure there have been some tough times, cancelled orders, cash flow challenges, employee disruptions but I have never for one moment looked back with regret. I love this company of mine; there have been so many milestones, so many great leanings. My story is such a big one now that it can never be told in one sitting... On Saturday, April 14th 2012, I am 20, company years old. Where did all this time go? This company of mine has seen my two children grow up; they are now 23 and 21. It has allowed me to work with my Mother, Vicki and my partner Tony for the last 13 years and has afforded a lifestyle that has bought so many of my dreams to fruition. I have meet and employed so many wonderful people, Ali our Head Designer, so many collections, with so many wonderful winners. Nina, our Head of Retail, went from an Annah.S store franchise owner to an employee running our retail platform.
Sharee our Operations Manager, who started her years on the farm (6 to be exact).. did her OE, then has rejoined us at our Morrinsville head office. Maggie, Shirley, Kim, Dean, Delia and Monica, working in our sewing, cutting, distribution and production areas, these people have been there for so much of the journey, I am privileged to have had their input and support on a daily basis. Then there is my retail team, longevity is not always easy to sustain, as all of the team work remotely, but there is no doubt that over the last three to four years these girls have been a big contributor to my income base, Angela in Colombo Street, what a year we have had!!! From hero to zero and back to hero, this store continues to be the number one right in the middle of earthquake torn Christchurch. Rose in the Wellington area, her steady influence on my company and the team has seen so many great sales and constant team growth and Tanya; it would be difficult to find someone that was more loyal to the brand and the outcomes we need to achieve each day. Our Australian team is not without its heroes as well. The wonderful Belinda and her absolute commitment to making this market a success has enabled me to plough on with my global vision. This list is by no means complete, I have so many that support my dream and vision daily and over the next ten years as I transition into my succession, it is all about how I develop my leadership style and create a platform of employment that is second to none. A company culture that is impossible to beat, as it is the great girls that support me, that form the lifeblood and enable the longevity of my company! So what has the last twenty years meant for me? There have been so many learnings, so many opportunities, so many successes and so many failures. I have met so many wonderful people, spoken to so many groups, travelled to a huge number of countries, had so many wonderful awards and recognitions from my peers and my country, bought a publishing company and dabbled in hospitality but most of all I have learnt how to lead well, how to apply integrity and dignity to all my dealings and to trust the decisions that I make. I have learnt to sit comfortably in my own skin and I have developed substantive and very capable networks, I have a wonderful discipline to my life, I have embraced innovation and change and learnt to never doubt myself. I sit so comfortably with failure and I have left a wonderful legacy in the two children that I have raised. The stuff that used to be important to me just isn't anymore. My focus is toady and moving forward is on how I can empower others. How I can channel success for the next generation of creatives as well as those that I interact with daily. And finally to quote Richard Branson ... "The brave may not live forever, but the cautious have not lived at all ... and I.... have had a ball!"

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Why I am always looking for opportunities !!!!

Im back from China  ... yes, I arrived home on Friday at 10am .. a little nervous as to how the custom officers would react to my lotus flower tea, reflecting on a recent confiscation of global potpourri .. I declared my tea with fingers crossed.. no problem they said as they rushed it through the ex-ray machine .. arhhhh.. I get to relive my Chinese experience for  few more weeks yet, as I savour a pot of tea each night.
I love this stuff especially the ginseng one.

However with my trip over,  it is back to a frantic day at head office, a quick catch up with the ones I love in the evening  but  bed is a lot later than I originally intended, after all I had to finish the bottle of  Californian red that my new chinese friend Gary had insisted I bring home with me.

Up at 4am on Saturday, I head to the Hawke's Bay to Judge the Edible Fashion Awards in Hastings  .. I love doing this stuff,  it is these provincial events that form the fabric of  these communities as well as providing launching pads and opportunities  for some very real talent .

I arrived in the Bay with time  to spare, the new Taupo bypass has certainly made the trip a lot quicker  and I enjoyed a leisurely breakfast with my fellow Judges, Ray McVinnie ( master chef ) and Sam Wallace,  the news man for TV ones  breakfast program .. I remember his first day as he struggled with  the 6 o'clock news and  weather .. I mean how the hell does anyone follow in Jim's footsteps.
Ray McVinnie, Annah Stretton and Sam Wallace

Initial reactions, I was pleasantly surprised and believed I would enjoy these two males, as so often is not the case as I am largely lumped into judging  situations that are a little more difficult to endure ... NO this day was looking good !!!
The content of the day simply got stronger and stronger as we judged from junior to senior level and the winners became very apparent ... The day was broken with a beautiful liquid lunch .. try the Opera house cafe in Hastings, I thoroughly recommend it.. the food is some of the best I have tried in the Bay and apparently the chef was a proderget of Ray's.
The afternoon rolled into the evening,  a few more bevies shared and a quick interview for the Her digital network with Ray ( Sam manned the camera ) .. with a focus on free range , obesity in NZ ( apparently we are the 3rd fattest nation) and Master chef ( of course ) .. we dressed for the evening and headed back to complete the judging.

It is always important to remember that there can only be one winner on the night and this will always be the result of criteria and the judges preference, the results do not often match a public perception or choice (hence there is often a peoples choice award so that this voice can be heard around a capable competition )

Our choice, was a wonderful creation that was made from eggplant slices  and constructed only two hours before the show. It would have  been  perplexing for some, I mean , two hours as opposed to an outfit that takes months to create, how can a piece like this take out the main prize ?
It is so important to remember that it is always about a great idea executed well, the time to execute is and never will be taken into account and as with business ideas, the simplest  are  often the best ones.
I have seem this time and time again at WOW ( World of Wearable arts event. )
Effort expended is no measure of a winner, winning can be simply a great idea executed at the highest level .
In summary, my advice is to execute, stand back and remove .. Less will always be more.
So check out the winner I love it !!! And so did the other two judges especially  Ray !

So why would I, in what must appear an  extremely busy life, with a family that hardly ever sees me agree to judge this event  on the day after my return from China?

 I suppose for many reasons .
 One, it was in the Bay and I have a Dad in a rest home there and if I'm ever going to get the daughter of the year award, I need to visit more often and two, 'opportunities', I always look for them and they always appear.
Not only did I get a great interview with Ray but I made a new friend, I was surprised at how much I liked the man, he's a cross between my two closest male friends, a personality I don't often meet.  I'm sure we will spend time together going forward .. and Sam he was delightful, we have decided to catch up going forward as there are things that we can  help each other with, for me, a video production for the website and for Sam, some help with future projects that he has in the pipeline.

But above all that.....why not support an initiative as strong as this, that enables those creative soles to showcase their work  and possibly take it to another level .. I mean I saw outfits that could easily consider application to WOW the grandmother of all these competitions.

I have already been contacted by the creator of the winner for a meet in Morrinsville next week, so who knows where this will go.
So a great weekend all round!

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